Friday, November 6, 2009

Ingin pendapatan tambahan???

Dengan semakin tingginya kebutuhan hidup pada saat ini seperti tingginya biaya pendidikan anak, kebutuhan bahan sandang pangan dan papan yang semakin tidak terjangkau oleh beberapa kalangan masyarakat yang memperoleh pendapatannya dari gaji tiap bulan untuk karyawan baik swasta maupun PNS maupun para pedagang yang mulai sepi dari para pembeli karena tingginya inflasi yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini.

Hal ini membuat semua orang berusaha untuk mencari penghasilan tambahan diluar dari pendapatan rutinnya tiap bulan, baik melakukan usaha dagang, jasa atau Multi Level Marketing (MLM). Saat ini mulai bermunculan usaha-usaha tambahan berupa Multi Level Marketing. Dimana orang tidak perlu membuka tempat untuk melakukan usahanya, cukup dilakukan dirumah, dikantor atau tempat-tempat untuk berkumpul.

Jenis usaha Multi Level Marketing ini mengandalkan relationship dan jaringan baik teman, rekan kerja maupun kerabat dekat. Memang diakui, jenis usaha Multi Level Marketing ini tumbuh sangat pesat karena tidak perlu adanya biaya advertising yang cukup besar. Seperti pemasangan iklan baik di media cetak maupun elektronik, namun cukup dengan acara berkumpul antar teman maupun kerabat dekat sehingga membuat MLM ini dapat berkembang dengan pesat.

Sekarang ini sudah jamannya era globalisasi, dimana segala bentuk usaha sudah memanfaatkan jaringan internet atau dunia maya untuk usahanya. Baik usaha dalam skala kecil, menengah hingga skala yang lebih besar. MLM juga saat ini mulai banyak bermunculan didunia maya, salah satunya adalah

Jenis MLM ini menggunakan media internet sebagai alat bantu untuk mencari jaringan kepada semua pengguna internet adalah produk dari nasabah bank BCA melalui internet banking bca yang memanfaatkan tahapan bca. Produk bank BCA lainnya antara lain Tahapan Gold, Tapres,
Giro BCA, dan Deposito Berjangka, KlikBCA, m-BCA.

Hanya dengan modal Rp. 100.000 (Seratus Ribu) plus aktif mempromosikan usaha ini ke jejaring sosial sambil bekerja di rumah ataupun tempat yang memiliki sambungan internet, maka secara otomatis duit, uang dan dana akan mengalir masuk ke rekening Anda terus menerus 24/7 hingga mencapai Rp.16.758.600.000...

Kenapa bisa mendapatkan seperti itu? Hal ini karena setiap member yang tergabung dalam bisnis ini bisa memasang iklannya pada member area masing-masing Sebagai contoh lihat iklan member yang terpasang dibawah halaman ini. Selain itu setiap member yang bergabung akan memiliki kode url untuk berpromosi yaitu:

Sistem pada program arisanbca ini juga telah dilengkapi dengan Automatic Direct Sponsor Randomizer yang artinya sistem akan mengacak nama member aktif untuk dipilih menjadi direct sponsor atau disebut juga Automatic SpillOver Random Sponsor.

Dan apabila terjadi pendaftaran pada situs anda maka program ini juga telah dirancang untuk mengirimkan pemberitahuan kepada sponsor 1, 2, 3 dan 4 atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Full Report System dimana sponsor aktif tersebut akan melihat transaksinya pada bank masing masing jika belum menerima maka  sponsor berhak melakukan pemblokiran.

Berikut ini adalah testimoni dari orang-orang yang telah ikut bergabung dalam ini.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, dapat langsung klik alamat internet ini

Seperti sebuah kata-kata bijak yang pernah penulis dengar "Berusahalah untuk bisa mendapatkan apa yang di cita-citakan". Semua kembali kepada para pembaca, jangan pernah untuk takut mencoba sesuatu yang baru.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

AdSense Strategies, Mistakes and More

Failing to Experiment and Test
Testing and experimenting are absolutely vital if you want to achieve maximum CTR. Although some people do get lucky and reach a very good CTR with the first version they try, most people will need to test a few different varieties before they find a version that works. Different demographics will react in different ways to different styles. Not only that, but different groups of traffic within that demographic may also react in different ways. For example, you might find that on a site with a majority of its traffic from pay-per-click marketing, you get great results when you've blended the ads into your website. But for traffic from Digg, that same strategy might not work.
This means you may see sudden drops or spikes in CTR when you start receiving a significant amount of traffic from a new source. I'd suggest starting out by blending your ads into your website. This seems to be the strategy that works best for most people. Test until you've received a decent amount of traffic and clicks. You can't get an accurate test with only 100 impressions. Ideally you'll want to wait until you've had at least 1,000 impressions before you make a judgment about the effectiveness of your ads. So what is a "good" CTR?
Well, honestly that depends on the niche, the traffic sources, the demographic, etc. There are many factors that can affect CTR. People say double digit CTR is good. Under double digits is still ok, but tweaking can very often bring CTR into the double digits. Double digits over 20% are possible, but this can't often be achieved with extensive testing. What can be tested?
  • The position of the ads.
  • The size of the ads.
  • The background color.
  • Blending vs. standing out.
  • Different colors for links, text, border.
  • Different border styles (none, standard, rounded).
Gerry Miller has bee making an online income for over 3 years. He helps others with his 2 ebooks at Check out the 6 critical mistakes to avoid on his site.
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What Are Google AdSense Keywords?

One thing that people get confused with is the Google AdWords program and the Google AdSense program. This can be confusing because people are looking for Google AdSense keywords to build their websites around.

In reality Google AdWords is a pay per click advertising program that you bid on targeted keyword phrases. This allows you to rank highly on the largest search engine for the campaign you put together.

Google AdSense is an affiliate program that pays you when people click on ads based on a script you place on a web page. Google pays out millions of dollars every month in Google AdSense affiliate commissions and you can get your share if you do it properly.

You are not necessarily targeting key words for Google AdSense, but rather you are including them in your meta tags on the web page that you build your website for. The same thing is true for your blog page when you do blog articles based on targeted keyword phrases.

You include these keywords in the title and in the body of your article. Google brings up advertisers for the Google AdSense program based on these targeted keyword phrases. This can sound confusing but in reality it's not. Google offers excellent tutorials on how to integrate AdSense into your business. They also take care of all of the advertising for you. Your job is to build quality content websites and blogs and drive traffic to them. In that way Google AdSense keywords can be beneficial to you.

Bill Bettler
Money On Command

Bill Bettler has been in sales and marketing for over 13 years. He currently makes a Full Time Living as Owner of Money On Command, an Internet Marketing and Direct Sales Company. He brings a fresh and innovative approach that's based on the principle of "Attraction Based Marketing". Born and raised in New York, Bill was previously co-owner of a Mortgage Lending company. Visit At:

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SEO Top 10 Tips For Blogger

1. Descriptive page titles - Pages titles are the text that you see at the top of your browser when you are on a certain page. Having descriptive page titles will help let Google know what a certain page on your site is about. takes the blog titles that you create and places them into the page titles for you so it's important to make sure that your blog titles clearly describe what the blog you are writing is about

2. Using keywords in anchor text - The term "anchor text" is referring to text that composes a link to another web page or resource. It's important because Google uses anchor text used to describe links to pages on your site as part of its method for assessing the quality of a site. So, If I were trying to drive traffic to my site for a certain keyword phrase, I would want to use those keywords when linking to my page from my own site or when placing a link on an external website. For Example, right now the keyword phrase that I am targeting is "SEO Top Ten Tips". So, when I place this link on another page on my site, I would link it as SEO Top Ten Tips instead of simply placing the link as

3. Consistent use of keywords - Make sure to use the title tag text throughout the content of your page. Google likes the use of the keywords consistently throughout a blog because it confirms that the title and the page content are related

4. Related blogs - place links to related blogs at the bottom of each blog that go to other blog posts on your site. this helps increase the internal anchor text on your Blog. Ensure that the link matches the title of the article title on the related article

5. Site Submission - Submit your site to Google, Yahoo and MSN. here are the links for submission Google, Yahoo, MSN

6. Add a site map to Google - add a sitemap to your blog or site and add it to Google webmaster tools so that Google can crawl all of the pages of your blog. You can use your Atom as your site map

7. Develop unique content - Google places a higher value on content that is unique from other websites. writing quality, unique content that follows simple SEO rules will rank highly on Google.
8. Update your site frequently - Google favors sites that update their content regularly. the more often you add or update information on your website, the more Google Bot will visit your site to check for those updates.

9. Building a high Google page rank - Page rank is a value that Google applies to your site based on how relevant and important it thinks that your website is. Google establishes this value by having its Bot look at the quality and quantity of inbound links pointing to your website from other sites. The more links you have pointing to your website with relevant anchor text, the higher your page will rank. Remember, not all sites are the same. Google will place higher value on a link from a highly ranked website with similar content as your site than it will a link from your buddy Joe's website that has no page rank.

10. Developing inbound links - Make sure you develop links manually. Using software that spams your link out to a bunch of online directories is frowned upon by Google and could result on a low page rank. Take the time to register with Blog directories and request links on sites that you feel have a common theme to your site where your content will be of value to its readers.

Source: makeadsensemoney blog
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Google AdSense Stats

By Sean R Mize Platinum Quality Author
Remember to keep an eye on the statistics at first and later you can set up as many websites and as many campaigns as you want. You will have access from within the advertisers publishing center to see reports that are automatically generated to track the income for you. They are on a monthly basis and you can easily spot patterns of increase or decrease in income this way.
Google will even send out an optimization report that analyzes your site and gives their publishers ideas on how to increase their income. You should pay attention to these reports and any new ways of earning income offered by your preferred advertiser. Getting in on the ground floor of a new advertising venture often leads to big bucks for being an early adopter! Try to tweak your advertising campaigns to generate steady residual income. Pay attention to which pages and topics are getting the most interest. Think about expanding these sections and adding more advertising on more pages. Add products too to get multiple streams of income.
Also pay attention to the deadbeat pages. These are pages that don't make enough income to justify their existence. It may be you want to remove them so you don't have people wasting their time and yours by landing on them. However, if there is a way to change them, learning from the other pages that are pulling in more revenue, then do so. This can be a trial and error way of learning how to tweak problem pages into more respectable income producing pages.

It will take some time to learn the type of advertising, format, placement, products and services that work best for your audience, but once you get the hang of this, it's a simple process to take what you've learned and do it for a different site too.
By the way, are you a coach, consultant, entrepreneur, speaker, small business owner or online marketer who is tired of getting paid less than you are worth for your coaching and consulting?
What if you could learn how to package and sell your coaching packages for $4k, $8k, even $12k or $25k and enroll multiple clients per month at those prices?
To begin learning how you can sell your own coaching for between $4k and $25k per client, download my new recording: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online" here:
High Ticket Selling Secrets
Sean Mize teaches coaches, consultants, and small business owners how to package their knowledge and sell it in high priced coaching, consulting, and online class packages. Sean says "If you have an existing marketable service or skill that you can teach others, I can teach you to package it into a high-priced class or coaching program, guaranteed"
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How to Advertise Your Website - 5 Tips For Google AdWords

Have you got a website and want more traffic? You want to advertise but don't how? Probably the easiest way how to advertise your website is with Google AdWords. Having ads on the first page of the Google search results for specific keywords will give you a heap of traffic. Here are 5 tips which will help you get started.

Tip 1- Signing Up

First thing to do is visit Google AdWords and sign up, to find it just type in "AdWords" in Google. Upon signing up they ask you to create a campaign, so type in your website address or if you don't have one yet just any web address will be fine. After that enter a few keywords and then select the lowest possible bid for the keywords and daily budget so that you won't have any ads displayed as of yet. You can create a legit campaign later on when your ready.

Tip 2 - Play Around

I suggest that before creating a serious campaign that you fiddle around and look at all the different things Google AdWords has to offer. At first it might seem a bit complex but you don't want to rush in when learning how to advertise your website or you might blow your budget.

Tip 3 - Specific

When selecting keywords for your campaign do not select broad keywords like "fishing", you want to be selecting keywords more like "review of best fishing boats". To help you find keywords go to "tools" in AdWords and go to the "keyword tool".

Tip 4 - Relevant

If you want low bid prices your keywords must be relevant to the web page that you are sending people to other wise Google will make you pay a fortune and then it just wouldn't be worth it for you. So if your keyword is "review of best fishing boats" then make sure that you have a web page highly relevant to that.

Tip 5 - Learn More Lose Less

It takes a lot of practice to learn how to advertise your website effectively, and can not be explained in a few articles that you have read. Your better off spending a bit more money to learn how to advertise your website properly, rather than losing hundreds of dollars doing it poorly.

I'm an affiliate marketer and I make an income working online. Lots of people waste a lot of time and money by trying to find the best affiliate programs and often get scammed. Click here to see a review of what I personally think are some of the best internet affiliate programs online at

If you want to learn how to advertise your website on google only look at products No. 1 and especially No. 2

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I'm Indonesian citizen, who interest about Information Technology, gadget, mobile phone and anything about technology. I'm really please to someone if want to be my friends. See my blog and give me a comment about my post and fill free to send me an email if you want know more about me.

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